Thursday, February 22, 2007

Stop the Madness!

The story you're about to read is not true.

Not yet anyway.

But if we allow the medical and scientific community to create human life just to destroy it - all in the name of "science" and "progress" - this story might not be fictional for long.

Then why are you sending this out at all, Life Legal Defense Fund? I mean, if I wanted science fiction, I'd join Scientology.

Yes, it's time for another wacky mailing from another wacky group! After that wonderful introduction that made me want to ignore it completely, the letter went on to describe a Utopia where every disease had a cure, people were healthier and living longer. Hm... a conservative mailing that was filling the reader with hope rather than fear? Something's not right here.

Luckily, the letter continues, narrating you along a tour through a research facility, into a secret back room with a vaulted door. Why is this room hidden, they ask?

Because stretching out before you in this dimly lit cavernous room are dozens upon dozens of tiny cribs. Maybe a hundred of them or more.

They're baby cribs! With newborn babies and infants in each one!

Some of the babies are crying. Some are trying to stand up and see what's going on around them. Meanwhile, others are being snatched out of their cribs and carried into a strange-looking operating room.

Theeeere's the fear mongering. Phew, I was getting worried. The poor wide eyed innocent fictional babies! Being grown in a lab! Where are they going?? Why, the "harvesting room," of course.

Stunned, you walk over to the glass window of the operating room and stare in horror as a 3-month-old baby girl gets strapped down on the table, and a sunken eyed surgeon starts to open her up with a scalpel.

No anesthesia is given to the innocent, defenseless infant. Her arms and legs are restrained on the table by leather straps, and the attendants shove a rag in her mouth to muffle her tiny screams.

This is because the desired organs, cells, and hormones that they're harvesting from this baby must be taken in their pristine state. Anesthesia would ruin the specimens, so none is given.

Hmmmkay. So... a fictional futuristic research facility of sunken eyed doctors with leather strap tables cutting babies open while the are still alive shoves a rag into their mouths to muffle the screams? No metal spiked gags were available?

When a human today willingly gives up a kidney for donation, that person is indeed put under anaesthesia. Pigs have been used in organ transplant research, their organs removed when the pig is still alive, then the animal is euthanized. I wasn't able to find much information on how these animals are taken care of in the US, but there is a European act that requires animals being experimented on in cases such as xenotransplantation to be under anaesthesia.

But fictional babies? Carve 'em up alive.

What's the point of story time? After the narrator explains how you run outside to puke in the bushes, it becomes clear: Proposition 71 in California and it's support of funding (I'm sure you saw this coming,) stem cell research.

And besides, we were told, one day we might benefit from this "research"!

"Think about it... No more cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease or osteoporosis! If you let us kill these little babies, YOU can virtually live forever!"

They didn't quite put it that bluntly, but that's the basic sales pitch.

I'm sure they didn't put it that bluntly, LLDF. Seeing as that isn't what stem cell research is. I could fill pages upon pages with how embryonic research has nothing to do with killing babies. Here's the short version:

When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, sometimes they want to have a baby. But sometimes a baby won't stay in the mommy's tummy. So Mommy and Daddy go to a fertility clinic to donate spermies and eggies to make a baby. Now, Mommy wants only one baby in her tummy, so all those other spermies and eggies they made get thrown away. Embryonic stem cell research takes those leftovers and studies them to find cures for diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autoimmune disease, burn victims, blood diseases, leukemia, and spinal injuries.

If I lay an egg in a petrie dish and some man spooges in it, that's not a baby. It could be a cure for a terrible disease. These people want us to throw that away.

P.P.S. One more thing, it's important...

In modern day Germany, human cloning and bizarre scientific research on living things is absolutely forbidden - because of what Germany went through when the Nazi Party was in power. The German people do not want to relive that nightmare.

Honestly, we should start a drinking game whenever these letters mention Nazi, Reagan, or 9-11. What are the facts on this one? Germany voted to fund embryonic stem cell research that used cells removed from human embryos left over from fertility treatment. They do have a ton of restrictions on this research, yes, but they do in fact allow research that doesn't destroy human embryos.

Growing babies for "harvesting" is pointless. That isn't going to happen. EVER. The blastocysts that are used in this research is all that is needed. They'll grow cells out of the blastocysts, not entire people. They're getting closer to genetically altering pigs to fulfill the desperate need for organs.

This is all just another fear tactic, kids. Complete science fiction. They even tell you that at the start.

Now go donate blood.

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