I was a Terrorist Bride!
I'm going to warn you right now, the letter I got today is incredibly offensive to Muslims.
My estranged husband is determined to strap explosives on my boys an [sic] turn them into suicide bombers! And now, a Memphis judge is threatening to give him custody! Please, drop whatever you're doing and read my story enclosed...
That was on the outside of an envelope from Rosine Collin, the estranged wife of Dr. Maher Ghawji. The letter was also apparently funded by Judicial Watch, so you know where to send your hate mail.
Ms. Collin went on to tell her tale; how she met Dr. Ghawji, fell in love, had two kids. But then her husband's true nature began to emerge. He was, in fact, a terrorist!
In fact, Ghawji has said the day's coming when 5,000 suicide bombers blow themselves up in different cities -- and Americans aren't able to do a thing to stop them!
No only was he a Muslim the letter said, but he belonged to the more evil sect called "Wahabi Muslims." Click the link and you'll see that Wahhabis (another dropped H!) don't call themselves Wahhabis. The currently preferred term is "Salafism." This view of Islam is much like modern fundamental Christians, and is much more puritanical. How is that evil? Quoth the Wiki:
Hassan al-Banna, the Egyptian founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, is said to have been influenced by the Wahhabis, but was a known Sufi. The Muslim Brotherhood also claimed to be purifying and restoring original Islam, but its goal wasn't to call to Tawheed (true Islamic Monotheism), but rather to amass Muslims of different beliefs into its group. When the Muslim Brotherhood was banned in various Middle Eastern countries, Saudi Arabia gave refuge to Brotherhood exiles, who in turn influenced modern-day terrorists such as Osama bin Laden. This proved to be a horrible mistake later on, though, and Salafis in Saudi Arabia now reject the Muslim Brotherhood. Most Wahhabis, or Salafis, rejected what they call Qutbism, as a deviation from true Salafism.
Aah, Osama bin Laden. While I won't pretend to know much about the various branches of Muslim, I'll add the opinion that not all Salafis are as bad as Osama. That's like saying all Fundamental Christians are as gay as Ted Haggard.
In fact, several hours before the planes flew into the World Trade Center and Pentagon I provided the FBI with evidence my husband knew that the attacks were going to take place.
You'd think we all would have heard something about this.
Google turned up this and this article from a Conservative news source. WorldNetDaily has pictures of Hilary Clinton labelled a communist and Anti-Choice t-shirts right there next to the news, so naturally I tried to find other news sources about this story. I mean, obviously the liberal media would be all over this story, what with her alerting the FBI hours before 9-11!
I did manage to dig up this information from LawFuel, which outlines how poorly the judge handled the divorce proceedings and refused to allow Ms. Collins legal representation. Then there's this article at Yahoo! which also says that the judge mishandled the case. Aside from other articles citing WorldNetDaily, that's about all I could turn up.
Even Judicial Watch's site turned up absolutely nothing.
Okay. Let's assume for a moment that her husband does have terrorist ties and while the FBI and American government know about this he is somehow free to walk among us and isn't being held for questioning in Guantanamo. If her husband is as violent as horrible as she says, then the kids should absolutely go to their mother. No question. Assuming all that is true... is that any excuse for this vitriol?
Islam is not a peaceful religion. It wants nothing more than to subjugate the entire earth and will stop at nothing to succeed in doing so.
Yow. You had me from the Not Without My Daughter plot line.
It's time our government realized the true enemy is not just "Islamic Fascists" -- it is Islam itself. And the danger is not abroad, it is here.
The letter listed a number or organizations I should apparently send money to: Judicial Watch, of course, along with TruthforMuslims.com and The Children of Terrorism Rescue Fund.
Now, Truth for Muslims apparently seeks to convert all Muslims to Christianity in the usual nice, kind, loving Christian way:
We at Truth For Muslims are committed to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to Muslims in America. Our workers and supporters include Christian workers who have lived in Muslim countries, former Muslims who are now followers of Jesus Christ, Bible believing churches and groups, and a host of volunteers and supporters who are committed to helping Muslims who are seeking the truth to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you are a Muslim and feel that you would like to learn more about Jesus Christ, we encourage you to get a Bible or New Testament and begin your personal quest for understanding the life and teachings of Jesus Christ by reading and learning for yourself.
Well, there's nothing wrong with that. A passive yet open dialog about Jesus Christ. While Truth for Muslims does mention Rosine and offers to mail her your letter upon request, they rather smartly spare the Anti-Islam nastiness that's actually in her letter.
The Children of Terrorism Rescue Fund appears to be nothing more than a web page that asks for money. That was all I could find.
Now, if the father in this divorce case is in fact abusive, dangerous, and a criminal then there is no question about who the kids should live with. That should be enough. Introducing the idea that Muslims evil and unfit for parenting because of their faith is wrong. Saying that every last one of them living in America is dangerous and has ties to terrorism? More wrong.
We all know how fucked up and dangerous it can be in the Middle East. I'd say it's the best parents who immigrate to America to get their kids out of that environment. Then to get here to face THIS kind of attitude towards them? Ugh.
Then again, we're doing such a great job bringing American democracy to them...
1 comment:
Diligent work! you almost got it right. it is the story of interfaith marriage went sour because of wife deep belief in the "Not Without My Daughter" plot, she built her views around it secondary to constant fear of divorce and and self inflicted paranoic idea of possible kidnaping. For the geopolitical consupmtion of Worldnet daily, Jihand watch and their close circuit of friends, who turned it into a terrorist plot by a doctor who spent tons of money educating his children in Christian school until their 18 and 15. The judge saw clear plot by the wife and look through the misinformation and gave her verdict of split time for custody. end of story of wife could not focus right, and lived a 20 years marriage based on belief that she is going to prevent similar ending to the movie..
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